Today was H's very first Karate tournament. It was done in the style of the Olympics with the winners receiving a gold, silver or bronze medal. H competed in the Forms and Self Defense categories, and won 1st place (and the Gold Medal) in each category! :) He was absolutely thrilled, as was Mom, Dad and Sis.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
He wins GOLD!
Today was H's very first Karate tournament. It was done in the style of the Olympics with the winners receiving a gold, silver or bronze medal. H competed in the Forms and Self Defense categories, and won 1st place (and the Gold Medal) in each category! :) He was absolutely thrilled, as was Mom, Dad and Sis.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Planning it all out
Here is a link that I have found helpful in planning our school year as well as unit studies:
I really like how this guides you from a general overview of where you want to go, down to the smaller steps of getting there. Now I refer to my "homeschool planner" and am able to figure out lesson plans with a clearer focus and direction. It has made my planning MUCH easier, and I can actually see our progress toward a larger goal. Thank you to Love to Learn for posting it!
I really like how this guides you from a general overview of where you want to go, down to the smaller steps of getting there. Now I refer to my "homeschool planner" and am able to figure out lesson plans with a clearer focus and direction. It has made my planning MUCH easier, and I can actually see our progress toward a larger goal. Thank you to Love to Learn for posting it!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Things we are planning
I have many ideas brewing, but a few things that we will be doing this school year are:
Astronomy (Apologia) - January
Botany (Apologia) - Spring
Cooking and Safety in the Kitchen
All about Money (continued)
Pilgrims and the Colonies (starting in the next week or so)
Unit Study using the Little House on the Prairie series
How to spin yarn
A few things in the plans for later include:
Apologia Zoology 1-3
The Human Body (with concentrated emphasis on each system once we are done with the general overview)
Staying Healthy
Outdoor survival skills
Learn to speak German and/or Spanish
Astronomy (Apologia) - January
Botany (Apologia) - Spring
Cooking and Safety in the Kitchen
All about Money (continued)
Pilgrims and the Colonies (starting in the next week or so)
Unit Study using the Little House on the Prairie series
How to spin yarn
A few things in the plans for later include:
Apologia Zoology 1-3
The Human Body (with concentrated emphasis on each system once we are done with the general overview)
Staying Healthy
Outdoor survival skills
Learn to speak German and/or Spanish
What we're working on - Part 2
Ahh - a good night sleep will do wonders for a weary brain. :)
So to continue - I already talked about Math, Reading, Penmanship and Spelling. That leaves writing as the next subject to focus on. The ways to approach writing are numerous and actually somewhat overwhelming. After reading several HS books, I have decided that a systematic approach will work best for the kids. They understand that letters are the written symbols for the sounds of our language, and when you combine the letters you form words. The next step is for them to practice combining the words to form sentences. The part that seems to bother all of us is that their spelling skills are still quite limited. The kids seem to have a hard time getting sentences on paper because they have a difficult time spelling many of the words they want to write. I have encouraged them to "just spell it the way it sounds", yet they still don't seem to be overly thrilled about any significant amount of writing. I am hoping that as we learn new spelling and vocabulary words, and begin writing sentences using those words, the kids will gain a little more enthusiasm as we progress. Once we get rolling along a little more smoothly with our writing, I plan on implementing the curriculum from IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing). I picked it up this past summer and must say I am impressed with it. It really does get the kids writing using simple guided techniques. I am looking forward to it. In the mean time, I plan on incorporating more "copywork" into our routine. It seems to be a little less daunting for the kids, and Mom is happy that they are getting pencil to paper. We have also started using "lapbooking" and "notebooking" as a means to record information we have studied. So far the kids seem to enjoy it, and they see how to record and organize important points into a presentation.
This brings me to our next subject of Speaking. I have decided that once we have finished with a particular unit study, the kids will have to present (to Mom and Dad) what they learned, using their note/lapbooks as a visual aid. I have the kids review their pages with me periodically as we work on a particular unit which will help prepare them for their actual "presentation". I may go as far as having the kids dress up for their presentation, and make a Family Evening of it. I think it will be fun.
As far as History goes, I have decided that I would love the kids to have a thorough understanding of the life of the 1st Americans in our country. The Native American Culture has always held much fascination and truth for me, and I would like to pass some o
I'm saving Science projects for after the holidays. I figure once we get into January, we'll be ready for something new and exciting to get us through the rest of winter.
In my next post I will share some of our upcoming projects. And I'll dig up some photos of what we have done so far as well. Until next time - :)
PS) After reviewing my posts, I realize just how much we really are accomplishing. I really had no idea, in fact I was worried that we weren't covering enough info. Man O Man am I glad I started this blog! If anything, it has really helped open my eyes to our direction and our progress.
Friday, October 17, 2008
What we're workng on - Part 1
Homeschooling is such an exciting journey! I love that we are able to pick and choose what we would like to study, and at what depth. What I have found is that PS covers many topics, but only VERY superficially, much to the detriment of the children's learning experience. My kids grasp and learn a topic much more readily when it is covered in some detail. Spending more time on the subject offers many more opportunities to make the lesson "come alive", further aiding in the retention of information presented in the lessons. I am very pleased with the progress we have made in our studies this year and will continue with this approach as long as it works.
So, without further delay, I present to you our current studies:
It is my firm belief that Reading, Writing, Speaking and Math are critical to successfully navigating through our daily routines in life. Be it at home, work, vacation, or the playground; we use these skills every day in every aspect in our lives. So in these early years these subjects will be our primary focus.
For math, we are using the curriculum from Math-U-See. We started with "Primer" in September, and much to my surprise both H and L worked through it easily in less than half the time I planned for. They both enjoyed it very much, and both have a solid understanding of the basic number and addition concepts presented. We started "Alpha" at the beginning of this month and are already up to lesson 8. I am amazed at how well L has been keeping up with H. I do realize that H will be moving along faster very soon. In fact, he has expressed the desire to move along at a faster pace, but I think it is more a desire to get a lead on L rather than a genuine interest in the subject. I want to be absolutely certain that he fully masters the material before moving on too quickly. This will be a good lesson for him to keep his competitive tendencies in check as well. Math has thus far been the easiest subject to deal with for all of us. We do about 4 days of math per week.
I am using Hooked on Phonics with L for reading (H has already completed HOP). She is moving along very nicely however I am holding her steady for a while so she can practice what she has learned so far. She has completed the 1st grade level, but I feel her fluency needs to improve before we continue to the next level. Considering that she is already a full year ahead of her age/grade level, I am hardly concerned over taking the extra time for her to really "get it". She is doing marvelously. I have H reading early reader chapter books to me. He is doing very well with his reading as well, although often needs to be reminded of his ability to read things on his own. He often asks what something says (signs, labels, etc.), forgetting that it is something he can read himself. With more practice, his reading will become increasingly automatic. Although I would like both kids to be reading daily, it has been difficult to fit into the schedule that often. As we get all our HS and schedule glitches worked out, I know we will reach a 20 minute per day goal within the next month or so. I look forward to it. :) Right now we are only averaging about 3 days of reading per week.
We are working on cursive penmanship currently, and have touched upon spelling. I have "Spell to Write and Read", however I'm not so sure I like the exact approach they take. I found another Spelling curriculum which looks very interesting (and much easier to use) called "All about Spelling" . I am on the verge of ordering it, but still need to figure out what level to begin with. If only money grew on trees... If anyone has used this curriculum, please let me know how you like it!
It's late now, so I will continue our current studies in my next post.
So, without further delay, I present to you our current studies:
It is my firm belief that Reading, Writing, Speaking and Math are critical to successfully navigating through our daily routines in life. Be it at home, work, vacation, or the playground; we use these skills every day in every aspect in our lives. So in these early years these subjects will be our primary focus.
For math, we are using the curriculum from Math-U-See. We started with "Primer" in September, and much to my surprise both H and L worked through it easily in less than half the time I planned for. They both enjoyed it very much, and both have a solid understanding of the basic number and addition concepts presented. We started "Alpha" at the beginning of this month and are already up to lesson 8. I am amazed at how well L has been keeping up with H. I do realize that H will be moving along faster very soon. In fact, he has expressed the desire to move along at a faster pace, but I think it is more a desire to get a lead on L rather than a genuine interest in the subject. I want to be absolutely certain that he fully masters the material before moving on too quickly. This will be a good lesson for him to keep his competitive tendencies in check as well. Math has thus far been the easiest subject to deal with for all of us. We do about 4 days of math per week.
I am using Hooked on Phonics with L for reading (H has already completed HOP). She is moving along very nicely however I am holding her steady for a while so she can practice what she has learned so far. She has completed the 1st grade level, but I feel her fluency needs to improve before we continue to the next level. Considering that she is already a full year ahead of her age/grade level, I am hardly concerned over taking the extra time for her to really "get it". She is doing marvelously. I have H reading early reader chapter books to me. He is doing very well with his reading as well, although often needs to be reminded of his ability to read things on his own. He often asks what something says (signs, labels, etc.), forgetting that it is something he can read himself. With more practice, his reading will become increasingly automatic. Although I would like both kids to be reading daily, it has been difficult to fit into the schedule that often. As we get all our HS and schedule glitches worked out, I know we will reach a 20 minute per day goal within the next month or so. I look forward to it. :) Right now we are only averaging about 3 days of reading per week.
We are working on cursive penmanship currently, and have touched upon spelling. I have "Spell to Write and Read", however I'm not so sure I like the exact approach they take. I found another Spelling curriculum which looks very interesting (and much easier to use) called "All about Spelling" . I am on the verge of ordering it, but still need to figure out what level to begin with. If only money grew on trees... If anyone has used this curriculum, please let me know how you like it!
It's late now, so I will continue our current studies in my next post.
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