Monday, January 30, 2006

Introducing Spindy -

Hello - My name is Spindy - I am a Top Whorl Emily Spindle, with my whorl constructed out of Satinwood over Rose She-oak with an Ash Shaft. I consider myself to be somewhat of an adventurer, enjoying spin time where ever my mistress' travels take me. I enjoy a diet rich in fiber, but I'm not sure of my favorite. It seems that I mostly seem to be dressed in wool, but the occasional exotic fiber occasionally tickles my fancy. My favorite color?? Oh deary - well just about anything suits me. Those fashionable rainbow dyed rovings are always fun to wear, but then again, sometimes I'm just in the mood for something a little more neutral.
Come with me now, and join me in my travels through Fiberland and beyond...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Inspiration through Color

Inspiration comes in many forms, from many places, and has infinite ways of expression. But something that I have found, is that inspiration often comes when it is peaceful and quiet (at least for me). Ideas seem to flow more freely when one is in a state of relaxation and in harmony with the Universe. It is with this Spirit that I am changing how I approach my fiber work and art. I seek to find deeper enjoyment in my creations.

Color has always played an important role in how we feel. There are numerous scientific studies on how color affects our moods and outlook on life... Have you ever noticed that the colors in nature seldom invoke feelings of hostility or aggression? Instead, they seem to inspire a sense of wonder, awe and peace - at least for me. The things we Love - our favorite color, food, place, person, or thing - also invoke feelings of joy and inner peace. They naturally brighten our mood and our day.

Considering these thoughts, I seek to find a new "Happy Place" through the use of color - Colors inspired by the things I Love... I look forward to sharing the results as I experiment with the use of color.

In this light, the format of the blog will be more consistent. Each month I will present a different source of color inspiration and the fiber to honor and compliment it. Enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2006

Universe out of control?

The last several months it seems like many people are experiencing an increase in health issues, heartache, and just plain difficulties in general. The past few weeks seem to have especially accelerated the problems people are facing. Is it the release of the Holiday pressures? Or is the Universe telling us to SLOW DOWN?

We are having our share of the unfortunate wealth here at Warm Threads. After all of us being sick with the Flu/Cold/Pneumonia since Thanksgiving, we are now faced with the sudden and unbearable news that my 4 year old son needs heart surgery for a congenital heart defect. We obviously are devastated at the news, but at the same time know it is a good thing we found the problem early. Is this a blessing? or a curse? It depends which side of the coin you look at...

All fingers point to the undeniable fact that this MUST BE DONE no matter how upset we are about it. It will be far worse for my son if it is not attended to - with the most likely and almost guaranteed outcome being an early death. I would rather face the more optimistic statistics of the surgery - both for myself and my son. He has the opportunity to lead a normal and healthy life by enduring the pain of surgery - which I think is a worthwhile trade....

So what does this all mean? What is the Universe trying to tell us?
Perhaps we all need to slow down... Perhaps we need to pay more attention to our homes and families... Maybe we need to begin listening to our hearts again, rather than following the blind and sometimes greedy preachings of our minds... Let's leave the Rat Race to the rats... Is it possible that the Universe is trying to force us into the recognition that we need to tend to ourselves - and our Environment?...